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🇰🇷 Korean: native

🇺🇸 English: proficient

🇫🇷 French: fluent




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$$ \Huge \textbf {Yejin Kelly Joo} \\ \small Blockchain\ Backend\ Developer $$

3rd-year Junior Software Backend Engineer who makes much account of clean and secure coding. Currently interested in Blockchain Platforms and its backend engineering.


2022.04 - present

2y. 1m. ~

Blockchain Backend Developer | PILAB Technology, Inc.

Currently working as the backend engineer of the Bifrost Network (Layer 1 EVM-compatible Blockchain Network providing Multichain swap functionalities).

Projects: Bifrost API Service, Bifrost Multichain Observer, BFC Airdrop.

Technical stacks: Kotlin, Spring Cloud Gateway, Spring Security, Python3, FastAPI, uvicorn, flask-restx, MySQL, MongoDB, Web3, Blockchain

2018.09 - 2019.08


Engineering Intern | IOTCUBE Inc.

As an intern in the dev. team of a start-up computer security company, I have experienced how programming as a team for a real-world product works.

Projects: *NVD data crawling scheduler,* *Named Entity Recognition module for vulnerability tagging admin portal.*

Technical stacks: Java, Spring Boot, MyBatis, MySQL, NLP, NER, CVE


2020.03 - 2022.02

GPA: 4.27/4.5

M.S. Course | Korea University, South Korea

Computer Security, Computer and Communications Security Lab

2016.02 - 2020.02

GPA: 3.81/4.5

B.S. Course | Korea University, South Korea

Computer and Information Sciences, Information Security Convergence

2013.08 - 2014.05

GPA: 3.5/4.0

B.A. Course | The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA

Elliott School of International Affairs

2006.09 - 2013.06

Bac S 14/20

Middle & High School | Lycée International Xavier, South Korea

Série Scientifique, Spécialité en Mathématiques


🧩 Extracurricular Activities

2021.02 - 2021.08

Treasurer & Darkroom Manager / 57기 총무 & 암실부장

Korea Univ. Central Club Hoyoung 고려대학교 중앙동아리 호영회

Hoyoung is the one and only Photography club at KU with a darkroom, since 1966.

2019.02 - 2019.08

123rd President / 123代 회장

Korea Univ. Central Club S.I.S. TIME 고려대학교 중앙동아리 타임반

Student Intellectual Society TIME is a central club of KU since 1956, where students gather to get insights from reading the TIME magazine together and sharing their thoughts.

2017.03 - 2017.12

PR Chair / 홍보부장

Korea Univ. Dept. of Computer Information Student Council 고려대학교 컴퓨터정보학과 31대 학생회

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